John Bastion

If these walls could speak…

You mean:

Imagine 5 DJs on one stage playing together. At least that's my understanding of it.

Go to bed, sweet child of mine.

Damn you Martha!!!!

4. Fail miserably.
5. Jerk off.

I hope no one tries to Copper feel at the auction.

Seriously, what a hideous beast. Makes me sick just looking at her.

Maybe "in" but that's up for debate.

Like Katy Perry in those commercials for acne cleanser?

I was told it was for the live action/animated movie Bedbugs and Broomsticks.

SHHHH! Careful about saying the AD words around here. Do you want to get this comment section shut down too?

I thought it was a fun first episode. The coffee mug gag was really funny to me and even though there were some random jokes they tended to pay off later. I'm excited to see how this show shapes up and I'll definitely be following along with the season.

If people stopped vaccinating their kids we wouldn't have so many cannibalistic children.

Upvote for Upvote for Porto's

Controller, I only use mouse and keyboard for multiplayer FPS games. I grew up playing consoles so I've always preferred controllers to M+K.

You truly are the King of puns. And CancerAIDS.

If anything he's almost too fast now! I hated the movement in 2 which is kind of what made me give up on it. This one when I started playing I searched online to see if there was a bug that made him move too fast because it was almost difficult to control. I've adjusted since and the controls (while not perfect) work

You hear that too?