John Bastion

I'm so hyped on Fallout 4. I ordered the Pip Boy Edition and I'm upgrading some parts on my computer so everything is perfect the day it arrives. Goodbye "real world"

I bought The Witcher 3 on a whim last weekend because it was on a steam sale. I wanted to wait to get in to it until after I got my new graphics card (hopefully in the next week or so) but I wanted to try it out at least and I haven't stopped since. I should go back and finish Mad Max first, but I get all the hype

Can they be called ANYTHING else? The name swag board makes me want to fly into a blind rage.

I had some Kook Double IPA from Pizza Port that was delicious. and I tried some of their Get to the Hopper which wasn't bad either.

Finn: Yeah. Don't you always call sweatpants "give-up-on-life pants," Jake?

Moonbeam City was pretty great, I'm interested to see what they'll do moving forward. It's unlike anything else I've ever seen, I love the aesthetic.

I'm pretty sure "live to film" means they're playing along with the movie. Maybe?

On my hand, I could and would love to go to this but tickets will probably be too much for me to justify.

I just want more Mike Mitchell now that the Birthday Boys are done.

If you're going to Bing something, please use Google.

Is there NO ONE I can trust on the internet?!

Mike Mitchell was just talking about their What’s Going On? talk show on the last episode of Doughboys. Pretty fucked up MTV…

Woah! Proof and everything! I'm honored.

Would you say this Banks is too big to fail?

Build a wall around earf!

*pats @doctuar:disqus on the back*

She doesn't need the money now that she has her Netflix show, Amazing Grace and Frankie.

Yay! Now all my Facebook "friends" get to know how much I truly hate them.

I thought they closed that place down!