John Bastion

Thanks, it's kind of complicated for a couple reasons, one of them being we're a (something of a) start up and they told me there might be some delayed payments upfront when I took the job.

Now here's a gimmick I can get behind!

Definitely! If it's anything like their other Little Sumpins I'll be very satisfied!

Finished my second watch of the new season of Bojack and it benefits from the rewatch as the first season did. There are so many little details that pay off later. It's brilliant.

I think so. I felt something bite me and swatted at it but I couldn't find the corpse to confirm.

I've been getting back in to Hearthstone. I really don't want to pay for cards or the Blackrock Mountain adventure (I bought Naxx with in game currency) but I'm very tempted to save me some grinding.

I too am loving the new Wilco album and I have also been putting off the new Titus Andronicus because it seems almost daunting.

Sometimes I feel like I'm cursed/Netflix is watching me. I'll put off watching something for a while and then I'll finally take the initiative and either buy a copy or find it through dubious means and the next month it will be streaming.

I forgot about that one! I liked that one as well. I think it varies, but it does happen so infrequently that there aren't a whole lot of examples. I think a problem also might be people may not want to do certain things with their characters from another show or don't really think about where hey might go with it

I've got Friday off this week so I'm hereby declare Friday to be a non stop Wet Hot day for me. I'm going to make some burgers maybe some hot dogs, get some watermelon and make it a whole themed day! Also beer. Lots of it.

I think I'm in a similar boat for Another Period, I'm not caught up but I like it and I can enjoy it almost entirely on the fact that I love everyone involved.

I'm one of the Batmobile defenders as well. I think they took a chance and did something new (which people always complain sequels don't do) and it was the logical next step of being Batman. You are correct that you need 100% to get the final ending.

I went to camp so long ago that fucking Jesus Christ was my counselor!

I got a bug bite just above my knee when helping my sister move last weekend, and the itchiness comes in waves. So right above my knee.

My work has not paid me on time since I want to say April? And right now I am multiple paychecks behind. Everything is terrible.

I bought a 6 pack of Lagunita's Little Sumpin' Extra that I haven't had an opportunity to dig in to yet and a growler of Stone's RuinTen that I also have not opened yet. Hopefully tonight, but I may have to postpone again until tomorrow. That sweet liquid gold is just sitting there in my fridge taunting me with its

Wet Hot American Summer: First Day of Camp! I can't wait to just destroy every last episode they serve me with my eyeballs.

It's true, I'm a workaholic! I just can't live without workahol!

It's such a hard question, especially with the all the amazing minor characters. If we're just going with the major players though, I have to go with the titular Bojack Horseman. Some of his sentiments hit close to home and I really like the places they take his character. Second place is probably Mr. PB since they

I liked Rich Sommer's recent quick appearance as the Ghost of Harry Crane. But as a whole I'm not a huge fan of those eps either. I wouldn't mind a Bojack themed episode like with the Wet Hot one last week where they get cast members as normal guests.