John Bastion

I know what you mean, I had to look up a fair amount of the Riddler puzzles that just had me stumped for 100%. And normally I HATE looking up answers online because I feel like the game beat me. I heard this game pretty much refines all the aspects of the older games so even if it's just that I'll be satisfied.

Very jealous. My payments are sporadic at best.

Ok I suppose… Saturday I spent most of the day inside my hotbox of an apartment and watched a bunch of Wonderfalls and Birthday Boys season two. So that day wasn't a huge waste I guess. Sunday I spent most of the day doing family things. Both of them I had to just get up and make an excuse to leave as I got sick of

He was well above the legal limit at the time.

Jar Jar = what I buy when it's BOGO jam at the store.

Watto you blaming me for? I was jedi mind tricked!

Now this is wreckless driving!

I watched the first half of Wonderfalls and it's great. I put it off for a while, but Fuller never fails to amuse me on several levels. Which also leads to this weeks Hannibal which was the weakest of the season so far to me, but I still enjoyed (because how could you not?).

"If Bryan Fuller doesn't get all six seasons, there is no justice in the world."

You were right, I'm a couple episodes past that and that is still my favorite episode so far! That's not to say the rest haven't been great as well. The further in I get though, the sadder I am because I know that's all there is!

I'm always hesitant about early access games, but this one is interesting enough that I think I'm going to take the plunge.

Sapporo! (that's not what I had for dinner, I was just cheering for Sapporo)

I guess disappointment was probably the wrong word. I was just kind of surprised that he wouldn't understand the show "at all" when he plays it so well. It's hard to pick a favorite character on this show because I love them all so much for different reasons but Sy is up there for sure. I also think he's great in

These comments took me on a roller coaster ride of disappointment then joy and confusion.

Glad I was out if town today…

Dude….I'm standing right here.

Did someone say catnip?!?!

What a coincidence that you mentioned Wonderfalls, I just started watching it last night! I'm only two episodes in but it's really fun so far.

I always wanted to be a power ranger. Where's MY game?!

Is that even a question? Fallout 4! A DUH! My only worry is what will become of my life when I actually do get my hands on it. Who knows, maybe I won't have a job then and Fallout 4 WILL be my life.