
I’m not sure what your point is here, other than the big stars should only sign with NY, BOS, CHI, or LA? I understand you’re saying it’s the system that is rigged, but shouldn’t we be celebrating the fact that a non-large market has signed one of the two marquee free agents?

all the babies are in there, you pick one, pop it, and then you get to keep whats inside.

This is precisely why they need to have other people play video games for UNC athletes.

More raisist than sexist but whatever.

This is the most Seahawks’ fan comment ever. Make it clear your fanbase is superior to others while also making sure to mention how long-standing your fandom is to differentiate yourself from the rest of your newly minted fans. I’ve read numerous accounts of terrible Seahawk fan behavior. Fuck off.

Well, everyone else here has told you off, so I’ll just glibly but accurately point out that you are human garbage.

NASCAR would like to have a word with you.

Your friend sounds like an idiot.

Really? Are you guys really gonna post one of these EVERY TIME the Giants lose on a walk off balk? Guess it must get pretty boring at your magazine huh smh

“As the equation explains, a baseball’s backspin gives it the lift it needs to leave the park, but its trajectory and force rely on the batter’s grit, determination, and ability to play the game the right way.”