Too bad Marvel's not in on this: we could get an adaptation of Archie Meets the Punisher.
Too bad Marvel's not in on this: we could get an adaptation of Archie Meets the Punisher.
Real embarrassment of riches here, Netflix.
Yeah, I guess Donald Trump has a lot in common with Calvin. Aside from all of Calvin's redeeming qualities that is. And Calvin has better hair.
Spent most of my weekend working, unfortunately. And the work involved helping out at meetings and helping to staff a 300+ people event, which fulfilled my social needs for a good week. The only film I got to see was the Rifftrax Santa and the Ice Cream Bunny. That damn rabbit will haunt my nightmares for the rest of…
My Dad left town this morning to head back west, but a great time was had by all this Thanksgiving weekend. I got to play tour guide for a few days. Pop culture wise, I was limited to seeing Bridge of Spies on Thanksgiving day. Good film, even though the ending dragged on a fair bit.
So Frank Miller Batman?
Tell that to Mask of the Phantasm.
When your box office returns are in ashes Warner Brothers, then you have my permission to die.
Throw in Killer Croc as Riddler's pet monkey and you can shut up and take my money.
Can we cancel Gotham and instead do a relaunch of The Odd Couple starring Penguin and Riddler? Because honestly, that would be worth a watch or two.
Pretty low-key. I saw Spotlight yesterday and enjoyed it and spent the rest of the weekend either binging crappy TV or putting a shelf together. Now I'm in the process of cleaning up my apartment before my Dad visits for Thanksgiving.
No, that's what I watch Gotham for.
I didn't watch tonight, but instead watched a more entertaining, as well as more accurate depiction of Batman and his universe: Batman & Robin.
-Why do they call them showrunners, anyway?
-Because they sit through 10 minutes of this show and run away!
Let's see: Sarah Essen, Fish Mooney, Kris Kringle and Penguin's Mom are dead, Barbara's a textbook example of the Depraved Bisexual trope, Renee Montoya and Ivy Pepper seem to no longer exist, Selina and Lee are being dropped into Love Triangle from Hell plots….Nope, this is the most feminist friendly show on TV.
Because according to these writers, mental illnesses are interchangeable. And women are disposable.
And we love to hate you for it, Sir.
I'll stick around. I need something to hate blog until Game of Thrones comes back.
So all Nigma needed to do to get the girl was double down on the creepiness factor? Good to know. The worst part is that this incarnation is making me miss the joie de vivre of Jim Carrey.
You guys think TLC still has a soul? That's adorable.