I could watch Richard Spencer get punched every day, and it still wouldn’t be enough.
I could watch Richard Spencer get punched every day, and it still wouldn’t be enough.
Shkreli is not in the same league as the other two. He’s just a third-rate white-collar criminal. The other two are white-supremacists.
The competition for most punchable face of the year is really tough this year, but he’s definitely a contender.
I appreciate the cops letting him get roughed up a bit.
Indeed. I’m already getting folks/trolls pointing out that a woman, who happened to be white, died even though I repeatedly pointed out that a woman died at the hands/vehicle of a terrorist in the damn post. And that this should be the focus. Not folks’ tiny feelings about being “good.” Clearly, I’m not talking about…
But Yesha you don’t understand, as a White British man not even in the US only I have the true account and explanation of what went down yesterday and I have to let you all know what went down and how that affects Black America.
I read this with the appropriate F you, MF’r, Asshat and other words so you didn’t have to include them.
Missed out on one of the most important (and impressively ballsy scenes) in the whole game (perhaps in many games, since Spec Ops).
I haven’t done any of that, so I can’t give a star, but I agree with that assessment. It’s been decades since college, but the ones breaking stuff up were the drunks. The pot smokers were just really relaxed.
I think Sessions has a great point. The last time I smoked pot I went full-on berserker and started breaking into houses, beating people up, and pillaging like a Goth entering Rome.
Don’t forget putting legal grow and merchandising companies out of business as well was their employees out of work. The workers, however, will find many opportunities in the new, rapidly expanding, high-tech field of coal mining.
Because their white, “Christian”, conservative values trump all others’ rights and must be imposed just like the founding fathers intended.
They’re also supposed to be about local government over big government but once cities started implementing LGBT non-discrimination laws, Republican governors felt the need to undo them.
Hey! Arseface is a gentle soul. Don’t insult him by comparing him to Sessions.
The one time you can do this is when you’re the Director of Communications, moulding your front-facing staff.
The problem with that is Fahrenheit only has one good sequence in it: the opening. Everything else is... well, it’s rough.