Barry’s got him there....he called him a smart guy, but like, sarcastically.
Barry’s got him there....he called him a smart guy, but like, sarcastically.
BREAKING: Basketball team better when shooting well than when not
They’re nothing when they can’t make the sport ball go thru the basketball ring!
There was a similar sentiment out there during Shaq’s prime. ‘Take away his freakish size and athleticism and he wouldn’t even be good at basketball!’
Maybe instead of questioning my methodology you should look it up, smart guy.
Well he did go on to admit they’re a top 20 team of all time. Which is very important and good. I can’t even get out of bed in the morning until I’ve mentally ranked the top 25 teams in every major sport from the last 75 years. It’s my tether to the physical world.
I don’t know... she looks bored.
When you sober up tomorrow, can you repost this?
All congressman were present for the vote except newly elected Pete Carroll, who decided to pass.
Washington D.C. (Politico): After weeks of debate and a deadlocked Senate President Richard Sherman finally passed his stadium reform bill by having VP Marshawn Lynch cast the deciding vote. “When it came down to what to do it was a no-brainer to have Marshawn carry it across the goal,” the President said afterwards.
While I certainly have no issue with an exuberant bat flip, I must draw the line at a dude potentially decapitating half the dugout.
Really? Trust me, there is zero percent chance that she and her 14 hired trainers, helpers etc. didn’t know about this drug being banned, despite her protests of innocence. I know she is acting shocked, shocked - but its all acting, nothing more.
I think what’s really amazing is so many of us are believing her story of taking a 4-6 week medication for ten years that totally unbeknownst to her is a performance enhancer.
So you’re saying her entire excuse might be bullshit? UNPOSSIBLE
Or, her masking agents didn’t work.
The WADA list was updated on September 16, 2015, that was when meldonium was added, and it came into effect on Jan 1.
“it’s an abject lesson to always read emails from the people who can ruin your life.”
So the lesson to be learned here is always click the links in every email you get.
Yup, this one has my vote.