It only takes two things to set off a jez writer: white and male
It only takes two things to set off a jez writer: white and male
Yeah, they didn’t “yuck it up like a couple of old racists”, he pretended to do that so that he could deliver the line. The entire point of that bit was that he wasn’t sorry at all and he actually doubled down on the idea that Gibson is a piece of shit. There’s a lot to hate Gervais for, but this is isn’t it. As you…
Not really getting where the hate for Gervais is coming from. To me he remains a great example of the comedian who always punches up and never punches down.
What are you talking about? His comment about Affleck when introducing Matt Damon was hilarious.
Absolutely. I think it’s outrageous that she won. It’s almost offensive to me. Not only was Queen Latifah amazing but Kirsten Dunst’s performance in Fargo made me repeatedly say “holy shit Kirsten Dunst can act?”
I mean, if you watch just this video, it looks like he’s laughing at something someone said to him off-camera and wasn’t paying attention to the proceedings at all.
You guys found something more depressing than Drew Magary’s twitter feed.
Seriously? Has Russell Wilson’s faith ever hurt anyone? I mean, if that’s going to be your criteria for deciding who to root for, I think the choice between a guy who beats a child and a guy who is a little too pious is pretty easy...
Chris Kluwe is running around his house like he won the Super Bowl.
At least it settles the debate.
The Browns’ season is over, but that just means fans can start looking forward to next season earlier! Mike Polk…
So..Welcome Back Koetter
Daily Fantasy sites have a worse payout than traditional casino games..
This week’s must-read on the ongoing daily fantasy sports mess is Jay Caspian Kang’s piece for the New York Times Magazine
Shorter survey:
Yes but it is clearly faked because the oceans are bluer than shown from the "sky" and also why is the UFO evidence at 6 and 7:15 being suppressed not to even mention the alien space pilot clearly seen parachuting down at the end!