
It is all at its end, my buddy

Let me relay a parable:

How very much I have loved you. How very much I have tried to give you a good life…

I still don’t think she knows how to address me, or how I want to be addressed. She told me, “I had a dream about you. I think I hanged myself in it.”

I eye the turkey. It is fat, brown, and roasted. It hisses. It hisses at me. The people are sitting in the other room. The people are hissing, too. The people will hiss with the turkey and bring the turkey and the hissing back to themselves. They are roasted and fat, but not brown. ‘They should eat turkey made in

Greetings, friend in Christ and otherwise! Thanks for posting your kind, personal, unique, and relevant message on this board! I believe I can speak for all other board members when I say that I'm delighted to have you as a fellow Communist. Now, speaking only for myself this time, I must say that I'm really picking

Captain 'Murica would win by his hi-larious self-awareness alone. Very me-ta stuff. Hyphen.

I'm just lying in wait for when Captain 'Murica inevitably writes something really shitty. Fascist pig.

I just hope the fucker actually reads the thread. We really Wrote about some Really Great Topics, comrades.

Wasn't O'bola a character from Father Ted?

I'm just scared for when O-bola is going to declare Marshall Mathers on our iTunes libraries.

"Belief is the optimum of telecom." -Carl "King of the Sharks" Marks

I'd celebrate Festivus instead of Christmas every year, but I don't want to give any more money to Big Pole.


Operation Fast and Furious! You're not actually a comrade, comrade! ISIS is using the Tex-Mex border to distract us from Welfare Queens sneaking across the Canadian border! How many black children have you given birth to? This week?

That was a test, comrade! I love black kids!

You might laugh, but the tough questions have to be asked,
Did Edward Benghazi perpetrate Ebola?
ON 9/11?

True, comrade. My willingness to abandon our cause would drive me to Seppuku had Obummer not passed so much totally un-rad anti-sword legislation.

I'd try to join, but I'd probably just Britta the transition. Bagel.

For her I'd make some Really Great Leap Forward.