
I think your criticism of the quote is misguided. I’m not saying what you wrote was false or anything, just that you missed the point the writer was trying to make. Yes, no one will think punching your way through real life is a proper strategy to deal with troubles because you saw it worked in movies. Yes, the

A friend just suggested Terry Crews and Kevin Hart to play All Might in powered up and powered down form respectively.

Didn’t they relocate the story to be set in the US? If so, then it’s not whitewashed. It’s just a localized adaptation, like Edge of Tomorrow and House of Cards. That is perfectly acceptable. There’s no expectation to cast Asian American actors, though it would have been nice if they had. If they had kept it set in

I agree entirely with this article, with only a slight quibble with Bran’s sudden character 180, which felt unearned to me.

This is easily the dumbest thing I’m going to read all day. Which is impressive since it’s not even noon yet.

Dear Rob Bricken:

The only way his base will leave him is if they find out his racism was an act.

“His base will abandon him once they find out he’s poor”

No, they won’t. I really can’t stress this enough: the answer to the question ‘what will make his base desert him’ is ‘basically nothing.’ Short of the utterly absurd - Trump showing up to personally eat the children of each supporter individually - Trump’s core

>No, Steve... Don’t fly that experimental German Superweapon off to your doom!

Guess which movie I’m talking about.

Here’s what would’ve made the movie even better: No Ares.

Scene was just missing one line.

Patty Jenkins be walking into the Warner Bros boardroom like

“For some reason, this issue of apples has become a paramount issue for Mother” - Adam Pence, circa In the beginning...

“For some reason, the issue of my ED has become a paramount issue for Mother”. Mike Pence, c2010

“For some reason, this issue of Hurricane Katrina has become a paramount issue for New Orleans.” - Mike W. Pence, 2005

For some reason, the issue of total nuclear annihilation has become a paramount issue for- *please stand by* ~Overseer Pence, October 23, 2077

“For some reason, this issue of segregation has become a paramount issue for the Negroes.” Pence X, 1963

“For some reason, the issue of the Ring has emerged as a paramount issue for the Fellowship.” -Pence the White, Year 3019 of the Third Age

For some reason, this issue of volcanos has become a paramount issue for the Pompeiians. - Praefectus Pence 79 AD

“For some reason, the issue of potatoes has become a paramount issue for the peasants.” -O’Pennessey, circa 1845.