" much of the gang became regulars at the now-closed Thursday's Sports Bar in Gainesville, Va."
" much of the gang became regulars at the now-closed Thursday's Sports Bar in Gainesville, Va."
Oh come on, it's _obviously_ a shadow op run by Ben and Jerry's to discredit Jell-o Pudding Pops by association.
The fact that she's arguing that we should forget these real women and remember the fictional Cosby family is just amazing. Amazing. Phylicia, you have entered the realm of the surreal.
Out of all his defenders, she's the one I'm most disappointed by. :/
Bravo to whichever commenter decided to create a burner for this.
So after spending all damn day with this controlling jackass you get to sleep on the couch? But then have to go into his bedroom in the morning for cuddling and, shudder, making love?
He uses the term "make love" but doesn't want alcohol or pets (to say nothing of the other fuckery maybe-fake demands) for me to deal with that fact that he's a man who's not in a soap opera but uses the term "make love"?
P.S: candidate should be ok with possibly being murdered and buried under the floorboards.
He might let her crash in the bathtub. Oh, who am I kidding? She can crash in his shower stall because he doesn't have a bathtub in his house the size of a matchbox.
He wants to cuddle with you while you're still moist from the shower, wearing nothing but a pair of panties. **shudder**
so where does his muse sleep? oh right, she just recharges in a corner chair.
I can't lie: I checked out as soon as I hit the word "cuddle" in the first bullet point. "Cuddle" is the "moist" of relationship words. *cringes*
There is actually a hole in the back of the fanny pack he slips his penis through, so if you unzip it all you see is dick.
You can expect to be hearing from my attorneys as well.
Just pointing out that you contradict yourself in your own comment. Also, those protestors are against unaccountable police and their use of force overall. None of them think a case doesn't matter based on the victim's race.