
Lexus has 5 characters, which is 2 more than 3. Where 2 represents the lights. 3 is the number of Illuminati.

Starting with the stick!

Where can I buy this car? I can also do some restoration myself if it should cost too much to buy a perfect condition one.

pics or gtfo

Don’t worry, I know from anonymous sources that you’ll be able to switch off the automatic turn signals.

Except for the looks of course. There are far nicer looking BMW’s.

Is Gawker leaking again?

When you get your license they learn you to place a warning triangle 150m before the car (depending on the country), so you’d expect for pros to know better no?

I’m not talking in terms of specs, I’m talking about the emotions behind, as you posted a video about sound of cars. Cars definitely don’t have more character than horses because they are no living things.

I’m sure people in the past felt the same when it came to cars replacing horses. Sometimes we just have to advance, it’s a sad truth.

Why is it depressing? Unfortunately it doesn’t always work with free markets, especially when it comes to polluting less.

It’s not about borders any more, it’s about who can get the whole piece of the cake.

Turkey and Saudi Arabia, our two best allies...

Don’t give them Ideas. Otherwise we’ll start seeing Ferrari and Bugatti Toasters.

Because Turkey shooting down a Russian plane is defense? We all know that Turkey has an interest in Syria, same as Russia, and cases like these can bite in our arse one day.

Probably a copy-paste text that is posted on everything that is mildly related to that subject.

Maybe I didn’t make it clear enough with my initial text, but my point is that if you have a pact and add in countries that are prone to going into war for very different reasons, you’ll switch the trigger of “no return” after some time. And this of course diminishes the benefit of a pact like it because you end up

I’d argue that the Greek are the most communist country in the world so I’d rather say the USSR failed with the Greek. But I agree on all points otherwise.

As a European I don’t like it either. Not because I think they’d be bad candidates, but because I think it’ll get into the same problems as the EU has gotten itself.

I’d buy one if it wasn’t for my fear of Italian cars. You might be Americans and think it’s the cool thing to have. But being from Northern Europe, getting an Italian car is like getting a tattoo. At first it seems very thrilling and exciting, but then you start thinking about how you most probably will regret it.