Having very recently had almost that exact same experience with edibles a few weekends ago, that one both gave me flashbacks and had me laughing loud enough that the neighbors could hear.
Having very recently had almost that exact same experience with edibles a few weekends ago, that one both gave me flashbacks and had me laughing loud enough that the neighbors could hear.
This is so good I can’t look directly at it.
It’s genuinely ridiculous. There’s an article somewhere that I can’t find right now where the woman who does the voice-work for d.va went on Overwatch as d.va, and and got deluged with abuse for gaming while female.
34 here, and same. That entire section about selling emotional intimacy and accessibility has me staring at it wide-eyed. The whole section about building “emotional intimacy” and “accessibility” with streamers weirds me out in a deeply fundamental way.
This is EXACTLY what I first thought of, thank you.
I am at best casually aware of Drag Race, so I have no idea who is what and so on, but is that a photoshop job on 4th from the left there, or is one of the Queens literally a bodybuilder? (Also, how is her lip-sync game?)
For a second, I was going to say “but it’s just a lighthouse” and then i noticed the guy and immediately went “yup, that’s Maine”.
It truly needs to be burned down and built back up again from scratch.
Some of the stuff in the first 3 seasons of Spongebob can stand toe-to-toe with the finest comedy anywhere, ever.
The Harry Potter ship wars remain some of the most batshit insane fanwank nonsense I have ever seen in my life. I’m pretty sure you could get a bunch of members of IS and Hezbollah together to discuss theology and they’d be more civil than that shit was.
It’s genuinely kind of nuts that she’s only 25. It feels like she’s been doing this forever.
Also, doesn’t Sasha have a rep for being extremely safe to work with?
The floor is the n-word (or any other racial slur really). It’s the only line he hasn’t crossed yet, and once he does we will have not a single choice left but to admit that the President is a bigot.
I’m shocked it hasn’t happened already. If I will say anything for the Trump administration, it’s that I have no idea where the floor is anymore, or if one even exists.
Oh, that is vintage.
Yet again, those Russian dudes. They manage to sound mildly curious and mostly disinterested at the same time (including that “Huh! Well look at that” chuckle one guy does). Truly amazing.
Hell of a year to be a sports fan in Georgia, huh?
I finally have a name to put to the face!