then I don’t think you get what racism is.
then I don’t think you get what racism is.
Funny thing is, they don't have to. There are literally thousands of black MJ impersonators that don't wear or need makeup to look like Michael in 2001.
I have to admit to being somewhat curious as to what the casting people saw in Mr. Fiennes to hire him in the part (or was it done just to stir up publicity?). Even if you take race, etc., out of the equation I just do not see anything that makes me think Joseph Fiennes could realistically portray Michael Jackson, let…
If you’re not going to cast a black guy, you should at least cast Bruno Mars, who does an absolutely killer Michael Jackson impression.
The fact that Hercules and Delia are cheesing is the least of it.
Perhaps the only way to do it justice is to make it a young adult novel, told from the perspective of the daughter, maybe after the father escapes to freedom.
Someone could write about how he ran away & why he chose to do that. There are ways to talk about this man in other ways that give kids a better picture of what slavery was like.
Hercules was most likely not super amped about baking George Washington a birthday cake since he actually ran away on Washington’s birthday.
Whatever, I’m here for it. I appreciate Willow and Jaden and their “weirdness”. I appreciate folks in the limelight who show the multiplicity of Blackness. We will have little Black kids who see themselves as weird/different/eccentric, who don’t fit their peers idea of what it means to be Black (and yes, this even…
It’s almost as if, when you make a movie that is good and that has women and people of color in key roles, women and people of color will go see it and white men won’t be scared away either.
I thought that "The Waters of Mars" kind of shows the Doctor at his ultimate "bastard".
And theres the way he treated Martha throught the whole thing, he was such a dick to her. Honestly he was dick towards throughout her time as companion. She definitely got the shortend.
Yeah, I think that the punishments at the end are a bit much — but the real crime is that he doesn't just avoid the Family of Blood until they die on their own. It's a big universe, not that hard to dodge some aliens for a couple months. Honestly, I'm the only person who dislikes "Human Nature" — simply because I…
I'd like to second (possibly third) the notion that the ending to "Family of Blood" belongs on this list. The eternal tortures he lists upon those poor bastards are like something straight out of Dante's Inferno as recounted by someone in the midst of a bad trip.