
I am confused as to why this is not just a blank slideshow.

Sam Elliott and Jennifer Connelly really stand-out as Betty and General Ross, respectively.

I’m confused. You acknowledge the minimum wage is $7.25 and then go on to say they are earning twice that, at $15. What’s the scandal here?

Frankly, I was deeply turned off by the darkness, grotesqueness, and generally miserable mood of Vol. 3. This is the series that gave us dancing Groot and launched with a Raiders-style tomb raid set to “Come and Get Your Love.”

I’d be more interested if they didn’t all have the same garish, sub-Dreamworks cartoon aesthetic. When I think of cozy games, I picture Unravel

Judging by the steep decline in quality around here, the A.V. Club writing staff has been on strike for a few years already.

i mean, this article starts from the pretext that Adam Warlock is the “best” comic book character. so, you kinda alraedy know the level of knowledge Barsanti is working with here.

So it used to be on kinja that if you shrunk the window enough, the fucking slideshow view would shut down and you could just read the article. But ever since the latest update, you’re stuck with slideshow - more clicks, more ad revenue, folks! - no matter what.

“impact” is not a verb, it is a noun.

Microsoft should have released this before the UK Activision decision, to point at and be like, “look, even if we get an exclusive, we’ll fuck it up anyway and it won’t affect the gaming market!”

There’s something so depressing about the fact that GTA, a franchise which started as this sort of countercultural, rough-and-tumble satire, has ballooned into this Hollywoodized monstrosity.

Was interested until it got to the incredibly tired “joke” of having the wisecracking talking animal sidekick. I can’t even be bothered checking who the voice actor is, but I’ll just assume it’s like Kevin James or something.

“Seasons 10-present”.

Kenneth Branagh’s Cinderella is up there

cheap way to fill holes in its schedule without having to work

I definitely thought that was Keira Knightley and this was a stealth Pirates sequel.

(the second most expensive TV show after Lord Of The Rings)

Now playing

In addition to Borg, I’d also nominate the Klingon Challenge VCR Board Game, starring Robert O’Reilly as Not-Gowron who has taken control of the Enterprise-D.

I don’t think that means what you think it means.

extruded like tasteless gruel with barely a thought for advanced levels of storytelling or filmmaking