
this was actually one of my suggestions for the 2022 Eleven Questions: “Do you think you/people in your profession earn too much money?”

1) It’s specifically supposed to be about the pool fence rule, that would be obvious for anyone who’s been watching this season from the start.

“Giant mech game” - “AWESOME!”

This was heavily predicted going into this week. Carlsen is the world’s best Speed/Blitz player, and he’s learned to play tournaments with an eye to drawing every match until the tiebreak kicks in.

Do you think wealthy pop culture celebrities (actors, singers, etc.) deserve their wealth?

I see A.V. Club has at least fulfilled its contractual obligation to work the word “oater” into every Western review.

Does she though?

and violà

The fourth-wall breaking bit with Chastain is a reference to Bergman’s The Passion of Anna. Midway through that film, Bergman suspends everything for a series of short interviews with each actor, letting them speak about the character they’re playing, their motivations, how they’re feeling. It’s interesting and fairly

Seems like a major missed opportunity that they didn’t just go ahead and make American Jedi Warrior.

Does anyone else know what the hell William is referring to here?

One of the most famous skips on this version of Rainbow Road is known as the “Spiral Jump” and can shave off 10 seconds off your final time.

I mean, on the back of a dragon, Danaerys literally has the high ground.

Now playing

Battlefront did this first (and better) :

Two assholes enter, both (sadly) leave. It’s the Canadian Assholpocalypse and nobody wins.

Meanwhile, the NBA has now determined the cause of the earthquake.

I find myself increasingly shifting towards a Warren/Sanders ticket...

Is it my imagination, or is she addressing an empty room in that instagram video?

Why is there no Deadspin coverage of Coco’s amazing comeback today?