
Now what paedophilic urinating r & b singer can they get to sing the theme song?

Fucking Powerless. Marvel did (and planned a TV show for) Damage Control first, but then Powerless came along and spoiled it for us.

1) Does this not play original PS1 discs?

Yes, because the one thing that a stellar actor with hot career prospects really wants to do is star in a TV show for “Disney on Demand.”

I can’t be the only one who was really, really hoping that this would be thing to jump out of the pod:


also Amazon warehouse employees are geo-tagged and their bathroom breaks are timed and also they are paid shite.

you say tomato, I say to-mah-to.

I still think they missed out by not just casting Melissa Joan Hart as a clearly 42-year-old high schooler, and having none of the other characters ever acknowledge this.

I think the Usual Gang of Idiots may not be available.

I’m sure that CGI cat won’t be annoying at all.

wow that Dark Phoenix movie is going to suck.

No it’s not.

Jennifer Garner is a terrible actress. Are we all just going to dance around that fact?

The only fair way to determine which awards are “commercial break” awards is to put them all on a dart board and have a monkey throw darts at it. Then you might get fun staff like Best Actor gone but Best Sound Editing gets a five minute speech.

wait, what does that make D.A.R.Y.L.?

give this (wo)man a No-Prize.

The singular is “criterion”.

yes I came here to post this. The four Skrulls in the photo immediately made me think of