
so basically it's a Werner Herzog movie without Werner Herzog or Klaus Kinski.

"If Orson Welles is so great then why is he dead?!"
- Vin Diesel, presumably

good to see they're keeping up with their own internal continuity. because that's so important.

> "gummy-candy clumps of digital cars"

If there isn't at least one joke about Cable randomly collecting little trinkets to fit on a decorative glove, I will be sorely disappointed.

"Stopping the loop? That's a paddlin'."

"brothers Stephen and Billy barely figure"

I find it hard to believe that the real-world person can be any more annoying than the horribleness I just saw in that trailer.

Room 237 was so incredibly stupid I feel like I lost 50 I.Q. points watching it.

"move along, move along"

Young Salacious Crumb confirmed.

Holocaust Centres are where Steve Bannon goes shopping for policy ideas.

(may make you nauseous)

UA CEO: "Can I be your human friend? I mean, friend?
Please. We can have fun and play games, like human four square— I mean, four square."

"and the White House and the first lady are judged on how well they put it on."

"peak behind the curtain".

I dunno. Jon Bernthal's Punisher was the most sympathetic character on DD Season 2. You felt for him, in a way you couldn't for any of the other characters. If he just becomes cruel and tortuous in his own show, it won't be pleasant to watch.

I hear they're pushing every single series back so they can slot in Iron Fist seasons 1-4. Because why.

oh my god that looks amazing. Thanks for the recommendation!

I love how so much of this is informed by Guardians of the Galaxy. I can't wait for a Thor movie, which is something I never thought I'd say.