The Pope of Chilitown

I have been on and around escalators my entire life, but man are those Metro ones looooong, and by association, steep...

He comes from the planet where the one difference in the human-looking people is that men only grow mustaches and not full beards.

Well written, I feel exactly the same. You even use the word that always pops into my mind when I rewatch any of them. They’re pretty good, and I 100% appreciate them for paving the way for what became possible, but they’re just so...hokey. I’m cringing right now just thinking about Peter reciting poetry to MJ...

The dishwasher hoses connecting the gauntlets to the breastplate certainly don’t help...

It would be much more alliterative for sure - Gina Gugino and Carla Carano? Maybe they could go on a double date with Dermot McDermott and Dylan Mulroney

Shaka, when the walls fell...

Coach Finstock is amazing

Hell, he was 2 different characters in Deadwood!

I like this and will be using it in future in-person Star Wars arguements...

Whenever Baby Yoda isn’t on screen, all the other characters should be asking “Where’s Baby Yoda?”.

Totally thought the same thing about the Bantha, it took my brain a second...

Love that. He’s just so completely fed up with the BS at that point.

I’m guessing the writer has one of those word a day calendars. I know what the word for today is. It’s diaspora..

His reaction when Han shows him Williams’ body hanging from the chains is some damn fine non-verbal acting. in Enter the Dragon.

Why does this not have more stars...

Oops, phrasing!

I could see him first getting everyone off and then creating a vortex behind it to create so much drag that it would stop it.

Don’t forget the middle of the movie when she has to escape with the ambassador...from an out-of-control helicopter.

Interestingly at this point, it’s Hoffman who’s been outed as the difficult-to-work-with asshole, and whatever the hell is going on in Cruise’s personal life, he’s known for being very professional and easy to work with on set.

He took me right out that episode of the Mandalorian, I refuse to believe there’s some sort of space-Boston that exists in the Star Wars universe.