
LOL love your screen name!!

Re: Issa/Lawrence sex scene - same! My first reaction was "Damn, he just hit it raw like that? And she let him??" I'm also leaning more towards STD than pregnancy.

They're all on Spotify!

I noticed that, too, along with a couple other times. I think I heard somewhere else where she pronounced "can't" like "cahnt"

I agree.

Germy Patty!! lol

Same!! I wish she'd bring back the guy from her office she hated. I forget his name - the Armenian one? He was hilarious.

I know, I get it. But damn, dude couldn't even wait for the dust to settle before hittin up ole girl. That's all I'm saying.

In Spanish, it literally translates to small house. Could be like a guest house or pool house. Or like a mini bungalow or condo. Point is that it's basically just a separate stand alone structure from the main building with its own kitchen/facilities, etc.

That end scene with Lawrence.. I mean…. I just don't know how to feel about that.. On the one hand, yes Issa did cheat on him first.. But gosh, Lawrence was hittin Tasha with way too much passion. He's not supposed to have that much passion for someone else so soon. He should be so wrought with despair that he cant

My goodness.. that fight scene at the end with Issa and Lawrence had my heart racing. It was just so REAL. Like I literally felt like I was Issa in that moment and had just got caught cheating. For a moment I was even worried things would turn physical. Jay Ellis really stole the scene on that one.

I agree. I've had experiences with women back in my early 20s but don't really consider myself bi - just fluid. But even though I know it's wrong and a double standard, I don't know that I'd be comfortable with a guy telling me he was with another guy once. Its just some sort of mental block. It's never happened to me

Yes. This show has definitely made me develop a mini crush on Moura. Those pleading puppy dog eyes..

Not quite. Skarsgard is, like, way hotter.

Murphy is there to provide the 'US/American' POV of whats going on in Colombia.

I LOOVVE Carillo. Yes, he's a kid murdering borderline sociopath but good lord is he HAWT.

I watched a few more episodes and I totally see what you mean and think you're right. I'll just leave it at that.

I just saw a couple interviews he did recently and he mentioned that he just took the weight off. He said they went from filming the first season right into the second one. He said that after they wrapped the second season he went on a vegan diet to not just take the weight off but to 'purge' himself of the negative

I don't think its a prothetic. He said he gained 40 lbs for the role.

ITA. I find something endearing about him as well. Underneath his facade of being "hard" or this tough guy, there's still a child like innocence. He is a good person inside but, like you said, going through a douchbag phase.