
Wow, you know, seems like this sort of thing keeps happening when a certain publication idk, notifies everyone of the game that could possibly have a C&D problem from Nintendo. Hmm, really makes you wonder...


This can all be attributed to the end of production of the Wii U. Developers knew it and they are most likely working on a port for the Switch in preparation for it to be done for one of those Evolve tournaments.

He’s a fucking idiot. So are his supporters.

What a fucking idiot.

Another reason I stay away from Twitch,

Mirrors Edge.

It should be noted that the nighthawk had a severe security flaw that netgear ignored from august and never responded about it

It should be noted that the nighthawk had a severe security flaw that netgear ignored from august and never

You know what?

Seriously didn’t know, not shilling, just would like people to read my writing. I make no money from the writing and only do it in my spare time, but it’s cool I’ll remove the comment.

Fair point sir,

Hey everyone! Great comments all around btw! I am honestly really intrigued by the counter points in this comment thread. And really, we’re all entitled to our opinions which makes reading this really awesome.

Asking for a “rational” plot in a movie about dudes who dress up to fight crime is never going to be realistic to me no matter what you say. There is no logic or needing of explanation as it falls under: fantasy. In other words, they can make anything happen, so really a lot of you guys are criticizing the writers is

I get the points everyone made but man,

Those toys do look cool though

Why does everyone think this was the worst superhero movie this year? I mean, Suicide Squad was waaaaay more strung together than BvS.

That being said, usually the majority of crowd funding goes to exactly that, marketing. I imagine the formula for this game won’t change much so the development side of things is probably taken care of. Renderings and such also take a fair deal of funding but I think you’re right. Take the money from this kickstarter

Man, my soul as a gamer is kinda hurt here...


Good to know Bill Murray is still working