
Well, you're gunna get hop-ons.

Yeah, you're right, I had trouble with Jack's isolation too. From a technical perspective, I can see that Jack was a good looking animation, but the absence of character development made it feel a bit drawn out. Especially for a cartoon with such a broad arc.

I know I'm in the minority (down vote me to oblivion! :)) but I could never get into Samurai Jack. I wanted to! So many times I tried. I love animation, and samurai, and long story arcs. Something about the 'Dexter's Lab' style of animation and voice acting just didn't appeal to me. I'm sorry, internet. I've failed


Jesus, creepypasta has been around for almost 7 years by now, surely. Not exactly breaking new, but nice to see this niche get let out of its cage a little. :)

"Just the nip," says Titflix.

While Barnaby Joyce is a twat, so is Johnny Depp for the sense of entitlement in thinking the rules don't apply to him. Australia has strict quarantine laws for a very real reason. The aforementioned Simpsons episode taught us all that. :)

A great review, though I thought the notes on Don's final moments were a bit cynical. If we suppose that the 'Buy the World a Coke' ad at the end was meant to infer a hollow perpetuation of the cycle, with Don consistently jamming consumerism down America's (and his own) throat, then doesn't that philosophical

I'd put a bun in that oven.

The 'source material' for Return to Oz wasn't The Wizard of Oz, it was Frank Baum's 2nd and 3rd Oz books. The movie was a creepy classic, and almost definitely contributed to the creation of one of my favourite pieces of Disney propagated intellectual property - Jack the Pumpkin King from Nightmare Before Christmas. A

Some good points, still, I feel like there's more to Pratchett and Adams association than just humour. The tone of their respective humours is so smackingly British post-Python cultural reductionism, it's hard not to keep them so closely pocketed. They fit a niche in that time and place that they stemmed from, so