
To you, they are. But if you were coming to Jezebel for election coverage in the first place for fair and balanced coverage that’s on you. Also, people do this all the time support the candidate they want and when their candidate losses, embrace the nominee and support them. also, if Jezebel had been team Hillary all

Not really, I see a lot of independents staying home. Both parties are going to have to rely on getting their bases out to vote.

But, they really aren’t though, Gawker will most likely stop attacking Hillary, but they aren’t going to actively support her. They’ll focus and attack the GOP. Jezebel has already started to be nicer to Hillary, but I don’t see them being excited about a president Clinton.

What’s annoying is that there are lots of people that don’t like her because of her policy and not her gender and her supporters ignore that. Not everyone that dislikes Hillary is sexist

The thing is of course Jez was going to embrace Hillary when it was obvious Bernie has no chance. You would be complaining if Jez continued to take jabs at her.

thank you, I like who people ignore that. If Bernie were a woman this primary would have been a lot closer. Bernie being a white man has only helped Clinton.

not true

I disagree, there have been white men who are very qualified and they still lose elections. We have know idea if she would have won as a white man.

I disagree, lets not pretend that the most qualified person always wins the election.