Do you know what I find interesting about this, Rich? As a gendered and queered analysis of your piece...
Do you know what I find interesting about this, Rich? As a gendered and queered analysis of your piece...
As an American who lives abroad, this literally how it feels watching the country move this way from afar, and what it feels like to me every time I come home to visit.
I can see smoking and driving bothering you, because someone can drop a cigarette, swerve, etc. It’s hazardous. But vaping is...not smoking. No one is smoking anything. If someone drops their vape nothing happens. They’re not the same.
Not just American culture!
Oh for fuck’s sake, is it perpetually 2010 for you two high-fiving each other? Can you grow up just a smidge because someone has any sort of socio-cultural perspective that differs from yours? Clutches pearls, clutches pearls, clutches pearls, hahaha, good one, we are so edgy and radical! Good God, could you not TRY…
Carter is probably the most famous Baptist ever on the American world stage. Southern Baptists have been pretty famously anti-Catholic for generations. Not speaking to your other points here, really- just if you’re going to characterize Carter, that’s a pretty fundamental misunderstanding.
Yes yes yes! Thank you for this. As feminists, women, people of colour, queer people, whatever it may be, being knee-jerk snarky and mean-spirited towards white males and denying their humanity is always wrong- and politically stupid as well.
Hahaha. They still make you?
I thought this was a great piece, and wonderfully written. Bravo, Tracy.
I watched that, so I know it’s accurate. Bobby was not correct on the point that this is Bogert’s first interview.
Why don’t you let the person who has been raped decide for themselves what language they would like to use or not use and not command them to speak as YOU deem appropriate?
If the language of the OP bothers you, I will share that I used to work in a high profile place and witness many celebrities accosted by the public for photos. The rudeness of people to them, the sense of ownership, the talking about them like they were animals in the zoo when they were RIGHT THERE, did feel “rapey”…
Probably because you didn’t say, “I wouldn’t want a vacation home in Michigan” but said like a rude Mean Girl, “Ew, like who would want a vacation home in Michigan, amirite?”. And they are helping you with your ignorance and telling you who might.
According to her own philosophy, I think the model must be wearing it backwards?
Thank you so much, really.
Thank you. <3
Seriously, can you stop judging and arguing with everyone because of what has worked for you? I love my partner dearly and our life together is my world. His mental health and addiction issues, which I have begged, pleaded, argued, negotiated, and prayed over for years have escalated to the point that I had to sleep…
Wow, this is the point I am trying so hard to get to right now. Thank you for writing this, it’s given me some hope on a tough day.
Ha, I’ll drink to that- but whether or not that’s true, your idea of a wife’s upward-looking admiration for her noble husband is straight out of a mid-nineteenth novel. It would be cute if it wasn’t utterly passe and arrogant. Good thing you’ve never heard how women talk about their partners and husbands when you’re…
How interesting that you’ve “always” been aware of it, because as a woman I’ve never heard this expressed in my life, or felt it with my own partners, or seen it in the way a single woman in my family or circle of friends chose a partner or spoke about them. I think the author was being ironic with the “of course” as…