
Oh, cool then. Didn't realize. I guess we should discuss... nothing. Ever.

I know that I do. I approach porn the way some people might approach free trade coffee. A person can be anti-exploitative porn or prostitution without being a sex-negative prude. To me, it's a question of market systems that exploit women and that I choose not to take part in. I see your point on hypocrisy very much,

Yeah, I definitely agree about alcohol being more dangerous of course. But if it were me and I smoked, I would get so paranoid about being too high to drive that I would will myself to not be high anymore, and what's fun about that? We are all different, for sure.

Not being snarky, it's just not my thing so I don't get it (I'm a boozer and live in the big city so I purposely don't have a car on both counts!): if "for me, it's almost like an instant sobering when I click the seat belt", then- why do it? If it sobers you up, what's the point?

Agreed on the first AND amen to the second!

I totalllllly get where you're coming from with writing serious things and needing an escape. Same here. I don't think anyone deserves to be looked down for not reading Nietzsche in their down time. I can get sucked into these things once in a while, like say at my mom's house, so I get that too. But you're self-aware

Hahaha, nice one.

Oh man, lolling over here!

That was lovely. You have a beautiful and generous perspective.

Same here!


Judge people on the merits of their work, and not on kindergarten insults on the physical, and grow the fuck up. Seriously. That's all.

Oh, okay, so she also looks like Jack White and Elvira too, then? Cool. Point being, how good does it feel that your contribution to the grand discourse of the internets is some shitty, backbitey comment about the physical looks of two authors? Here's an experiment. Try hating on their talent, personalities, or lack

Tracy looks like Beth Ditto like you look like a male model, my friend.

I'm not over-defensive. I mentioned I thought something looked a certain way. If you don't think it does, argue that point and say why or say nothing, and stop wasting time and then being coyly insulting. What is your point? You love the stupid video? Congrats, I hope you put it on repeat all day long.

That's awfully condescending of you, so thanks for that, but me looking at an image and saying I subjectively find it menacing or unpleasant to look at or whatever it may be is not "disregarding logic and reasoning". Enough with the passive aggressive trolling.

If you don't see it, I don't care to argue it with you.

Yes, menacing. As in, the adjective meaning not to appear light-hearted and funny but to instead appear creepy and threatening. Ring a bell?

I don't mind them tryyyying to be creative or funny with this ad. But it doesn't work and it's amazing how, you know, menacing it comes across. You'd think someone would have noticed that before it went out to the public.

Well, he wasn't even responsible for the video anyway...