The Ploughman

You see, I don't love The Warriors. I love the idea for The Warriors. Both ideas - the one before Cyrus is shot and the one the rest of the movie uses.

This was my answer in a recent discussion about movies that could use a remake. I would be all about a Warriors update.

This is exactly that. The way Shults plays with time and memory in the last third is really cool.

The Incredibly Mixed-Up Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Zombies

Shouldn't be surprised that Bonerz is making a strong point.

I look forward to the prequel set in the 90s, Dialup M for Murder.

That's a much better title than Unfriended.

[grins, understanding from context that this is welcoming humor, even if he doesn't quite grasp the nuances of the language yet]

What's funny is I have a tough time coming up with a single article. What made the site so unique and special was its aggregate approach to the broad spectrum of movies. Its features and Movie of the Week selections were so perfectly considered, it made for an ongoing, expansive discussion of film, rather than a focus

That one was is great.

[clutches bindle, reads from folded scrap of paper]