
We could expose players to iterative design in video games again, but try it a little differently this time.

*goes to complain on alt.fandom.yellsatcloud

Who dis Hough?

The Original Ashy Larry.

There was supposed to be an earth shattering kaboom!

Where’s the kaboom?

The reporter was with MSNBC. I would bet money he saw MSNBC on their vans or the camera man’s jacket or on the camera, lost his mind, and pulled over to berate them - not because of anything this reporter was doing because he has no idea what they’re saying while driving by - but because they were with MSNBC and Trump

He saw a black dude and an NBC logo, I doubt he even thought about the weather. His tiny Fox-poisoned brain probably jumped right to BLM or CRT or something about fraudulent votes.

In case you were wondering this is who Scott was speaking for:

Has anyone else noticed the literal same conversation occurring across all industries, all the time?

Just need to vent about this...

Hoping for a “Not Penny’s Boat” version.

“’Cause I know how forgetful y’all Tiggers are!”

Was it just the one time or was it a dual shock?

Would’ve been able to harness it if he was wearing one of these babies

Malkovich Malkovich? Malkovich.

Where’s the kaboom? There's supposed to be an earth-shattering kaboom!

I briefly reconsidered my orangutan dig because I knew it was factually inaccurate, but I’m a big fan of The Murders in the Rue Morgue ;)

if you’re wondering what correlation there is between the Sussexes’ newborn daughter and a 46-year-old unarmed Black man murdered by a since-convicted police officer, there is none

I very clearly explained what I could only see as a willing and deliberate misinterpretation of their words. They wanted to ensure the games on display were representative and inclusive. Of course all the games would be “wholesome” - that would be the point.