I still play on ps3 and it's still my favorite multi-player game on the Citadel.
I still play on ps3 and it's still my favorite multi-player game on the Citadel.
People were justifiably upset that the story elements of a single player game were determined by the amount of time you spent on multiplayer. Not only was it impossible at launch to get the best “readiness score” solely by doing the single player game (which is the only place the readiness mattered) but that the extra…
Tom Cotton is like a fucking parody name for a South Park racist, or something you fight at the end of the Putrescent Plantation zone in Darkest Dungeon.
All of us who played the game on the N64 when it first came out thought the picture on the right was what we thought the game looked like back in 1996.
FemShep is bisexual and poly, dating both Garrus and Liara.
I’m just picturing someone playing MGS on PS1, fast-forwarding all the Codec scenes, and then wondering where Master Miller disappeared to.
members of the texting group who referred to themselves as “Shadow Moses”
Rhodes told the police he didn’t actually have any weapons in his car
Spec Ops: The Lion
Oh my
*flames on the side of my face*