
My biggest WTF with the ending starts with the fact the ISA straight up murdered the entire JSA in one night. Except Hourman who somehow survived a black hole in his guts. The bad guys didn’t double check the corpses? Or did they just bail. And Dan had to sneak back and gather all the bodies, “Hourman, thank God! How

Okay maybe I got this wrong. I thought the first Epsilon to die started the “suicide plan”. He infected the second Epsilon and Bernard. Bernard was very susceptible to change, actually taking monogamy seriously (under duress). Of the Betas, Lenina was straying from programing before the Epsilons suicide. Although

India may have banned it for security reasons but it also coincides with the release of Facebook’s TicTok rival Reels. Funny that Zuckerberg has been tight with this administration and is set to launch Reels in the US in the next few weeks.

I’m assuming the fact these guys are the richest in the world and still do jack to protect their workers during the pandemic won’t be mentioned at all.

They’ve been lackluster with promoting Black Widow period. One thing that surprised me was that Marvel did previous product launches for Agent Carter. Licensing with various manufacturers. My favorite was with a cosmetic company called Besame. That same company did an exclusive line for Infinity War as well.

Once they axed WarnerArchive streaming for FilmStruck and then axed that almost immediately after, my faith in TPTB having anything close to resembling a clue disappeared.

Better believe it, all blue checks are on lockdown. No tweets.

Those chromatic graphics are so cool!

Did they get Trump as well? Please tell me they got the Cheeto-in-Chief. Let me guess, we’re not that lucky.

For a guy whose base loves him for saying what he means, they bend over backwords to explain he didn’t mean what he said.

The battle to the big screen between the two movies is worthy of a mini-documentary in itself.

I’ve only had it since February after a huge price hike in my cable bill. And if it wasn’t for the DVR part I would have ditched it already.

Aww, I love Red Planet. Great popcorn flick!

That only counts if they are selling. Otherwise a lower property value means lower taxes and insurance. He’s really doing them a favor.

No love for the 90's conversion vans? GMC Vandura by Starcraft. Plush captain chairs, convertible couch/bed, tons of creature comforts, but easier to swap engines on. Road trips were amazing!

I have to ask, has Neil Jackson seen Die Hard 2? Icicles are a gruesome way to kill someone.

There are photos of him wearing it showing up on Twitter now. Looks to me like someone made it but didn’t make sure it fit before giving it to him. It’s too small!

You’re missing the biggest part of the Jackpot back story. Teasing fans, “Is she Mary Jane?” The catchphrase, the name, the hair, etc. Nope, sorry fans still pissed about OMD. It was just a superfan who took the identity because of the time MJ starred on a soap opera. Or something. I just remember being very let down

If all the chrome, badges, and body parts are there and in goodish condition that’s a major plus. Bonus if all the dash parts are in working order. Engines, brakes, steering, all of that is doable. It’s all the parts that aren’t on a shelf at Year One that turn these projects into a make or break situation.

It’s not just shops full of peanut brained knuckle draggers. Had to deal with all kinds of creeps from co-workers to customers when I worked in auto parts. If you do anything but smile, laugh, and “Oh you guys!” your time there was going to suck. I completely believe that her bosses would rather fire her for being the