Let me get this straight, Barr was running around asking foreign nations to help discredit the Mueller Report?
Let me get this straight, Barr was running around asking foreign nations to help discredit the Mueller Report?
Right? Aquaman Lite shows up long enough to be fridged. Yeah, that’s right. I’m calling his death a blatant fridging.
So how many Earth born GLs are there now in the main universe? 8, right. 9 once Alan Scott comes back (yes I know he’s not officially GLC but still).
I love Shepard Smith’s commentaries on so many topics. Car chases, llamas on the run, the President being an idiot, etc. However I do miss Studio B and it’s lighter fluff news, and the ever-popular Bear Alert ending with trampoline bear. Good times.
So it’s true, he does speak like he’s mafioso. His narcissism has reached Godfather levels.
Isn’t that, by definition, admitting to extortion? And isn’t extortion very illegal?
I’m still having a hard time with this interpretation of Dove. Isn’t she supposed to be the one that doesn’t like violence? Or find less crippling ways to take down the bad guys? Pretty sure there were less destructive means to stopping the meth-heads and letting the cops deal with that meth lab.
Why is Spider-Woman in her old costume? Let it go already.
And Sin. I need closure.
I’m wondering what designer thought chains across the torsos was a great look for heroines. Put it at the top of the list of first things grabbed in a hand-to-hand combat.
Promoted since the inanimate carbon rod he replaced is now part of the President’s Cabinet.
Super! Now bring back Mayday Parker in her own series again. What happened with the stuff with the Spiderverse and bringing back someone like her dad?
I could watch these all day.
I really, really don’t get Aqualad being blonde. If only to make up for lack of movie Aquaman not being blonde?
The older I get the more I am amazed in just how little fight people have in them for getting decent working conditions. Pay, benefits, safety, etc.
I truly believe she wants what’s best for the teachers. Having said that, a majority of the kids would have used it as an excuse to stay home.
I did a double take on this story yesterday. Then I cynically chuckled, “I bet this is about McCain.” Only Trump would be so petty.
I was just a couple of years older than you were, and I too was obsessed with seeing this movie.
The biggest question has yet to be answered, what was in Ambush Bug Year None #6 that got it binned? It was finished, but both the inker and letterer said they didn’t think it’d get the okay. It and it’s beautiful Darwyn Cook cover lost forever. Much later, a slapped together #7 was released with some of the original…
It was amazing, Hilton even had the section of their casino in front of it designed to be like an orbiting space station. Hilton really screwed up by not continuing the partnership. Eh, Hilton itself was out after a few years anyway.