
"you taste so, so delicious"

I don't understand why they couldn't have done a second take of the stunt. Seems arbitrary.

Effie is someone who is moderately competent but clearly is not capable of understanding or adapting to the demands of high-level art. She bitches and moans way too much about her PC pet causes. She's incapable of coming up with interesting solutions to the problems that she often only points out at the last minute.

I really don't know how people find Richardson funny. He's given funny lines, but he is a horribly unfunny, awkward actor.

This episode confirms that GoT is essentially soap opera torture porn. Very little logic in the end. Mainly it's a vehicle for GRRM to live out a long series of S&M fantasies, slowly hurting one character and then another, all with the justification that this is "grittiness" and "realism." It's laughable. The only