
Hey, haven’t I seen you on the internet before? =P

The cake is a lie.

Guys, it’s 1 to 2 percent above ketchup. PLUS ice cream actually beat cake last Splatfest. Pearl’s side winning 50% of the time NARROWLY doesn’t look broken to me.

I’m playing two very different post-apocalyptic third-person shooters: The Last of Us Remastered and Splatoon 2. And Breath of the Wild, because I will never stop playing that game.

I’m going to leave this here for you, Kirk. Take a cold, hard look at that article, and ask yourself if you want to go down that path before buying another amiibo.

7:07 the wolves are coming for you, Jason.

I personally love the idea of a Nintendo system being neutral territory for PS4 and XBO to duke it out. Green and blue ink, Pearl and Marina’s banter about their preferred consoles... it would be so good. And after Cloud made it into Smash, I don’t believe that anything is impossible. Just very, very unlikely.

Best thing I’ve read all day.

The guy in the video sounds like he’s a villian in a Batman movie.

Japanese is confusing.

Weird. Exact same thing happened to me.

This might not be the story the world needs to hear, but dammit, it’s the story the world deserves to hear... I think. I dunno.

I tried to get into this show, but Rotom pokedex is the most annoying thing on this planet.

Usually Life in Aggro is my least favorite comment, but today it was my favorite! I guess you have to be playing the game being referenced to get it. It also doesn’t hurt that the art style is gorgeous.

“Oh... sir! The insult simulator”

$200 seems an appropriate price for a case this high-quality, but that doesn’t mean that I have $200 to buy a case! :(

Personally, I love my New 3DS XL. It’s kinda funny: the first article I ever read on Kotaku was the one that had all the updates on how to find a Majora’s Mask New 3DS XL, and thanks to it I was actually able to get one for MSRP! Yes, it has the c-stick and I can play Xenoblade Chronicles 3D on it, but my favorite

5 million is a much more impressive number for Japan than it is for the US just because it’s got a smaller population. According to a Wikipedia page I looked up, this means that the PS4 still hasn’t sold as much as the N64 or Vita, but remember, these consoles were/ are proportionally more popular in Japan.

I don’t watch anime. Not on principle; I just haven’t found the time. What I hav found the time to do is to watch Your Name, and it’s easily one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You owe it to yourself to go and see this movie. Hell, I saw it on a plane! I don’t mean to plug, but I wrote a lot more

I will probably never play EVE Online, but it’s so fascinating to read about. MMOs in general fascinate me, even though I don’t have the time to play them myself.