The Pho

They should just fuck and get it over with at this point.

They should just fuck and get it over with at this point.

Like an old man trying to return soup at a deli

Like an old man trying to return soup at a deli

I'd say it coasts on all superhero shows being terrible, so people are more lenient.

Somebody's clearly never watched back to back Allen Gregory episodes.

I love Phantom Menace and I didn't know other people didn't until about 2 years ago.

Lets just be thankful they didn't kill it with LiveFyre

Dogs eat more dead owners per year than cats do.

They're cheap and Netflix has to put something up there.

Genesis gets downplayed a lot, but at least they do get recognized.

Man this episode is going to be really weird when Jack Sparrow shows up out of nowhere to marry Khaleesi.

That's kind of what I want to see since the show once liked to avoid all the standard stuff. I wanted the Night King to win with only Littlefinger surviving like a cockroach after a nuke.

I think it at least made sense in Phantom Menace since the war was being run on both sides by the same guy.

To me it was the cut back in tv reviews, I came to this site repeatedly to discuss shows that I couldn't anywhere else. I initially came for Disqus, but stayed for those reviews. Soon all that will be gone and if enough of the commenters disappear then what's the point of visiting this place at all anymore.

Well this all sounds terrible, but I'll give it a shot before running elsewhere. I came to this site almost entirely because it still had Disqus for Justified discussions.

The single screen theaters are nice but I have little desire to go any theater that doesn't have leather recliners and a full service steakhouse.

Oh that Meryl Streep is such a phoney baloney!

I really want Littlefinger to weasle his way to the end. He's like the cockroach standing over the nuclear wasteland after it's all over.

Damn autocorrect changed it on me and I didn't notice in time!