The Pho

I loved that episode all the way through.

Sony already has Crackle, lets not encourage them to make another one they'll ignore.

I'd be fine with this if Disney finally gives us access to the full library of high quality Shorts. That's all I want from this service. However I highly doubt they do it and now they may pull out of Hulu as well, which would suck.

Ya but Connery wore a piece for all his Bond films so his hair was younger.

Well they can just say the finale was all a story written by Roseann too, or the revival is.

They got rid of them around March or so.
They have the Frozen Coffee now, but it doesn't taste like the Coffee Coolatta did at all.

But they got rid of the Coffee Coolatta, which was easily their best drink. I used to get one every morning, now I rarely go.

It's nice until they commit heavily to defending whatever it is. The ones that say odd things like "that wasn't a real Tim Horton's, the real ones would blow you away".

People in general just get overly devoted to random and frequently regional things. From sports to politics to game consoles to movie studios to theme parks to sandwich meat and on and on.

But they got rid of their best drink so the only reason to go now is the donuts.

I believe it's called the Urkel-jerk

I reserve that shame for being able to say the same about The Land Before Time franchise.

Rin Tin Tin was the biggest star in Hollywood for a time.

Not gonna lie, I've watched and own each film in the entire franchise, including all spinoffs and I'm not ashamed at all. I'd say this ranking is spot on.

They won't get a sniff without him

Eckhart could work, although I'd lean towards somebody like Timothy Olyphant. But Willem Dafoe is a real tough act to follow. I could also see Tom Hardy play it quite well. Keanu is also a pretty good choice, he could nail most of what Dafoe did.

Reynolds as Clark? I just can't even picture that.

Disney Parks are the only place I actually enjoy being around a lot of people. The majority of people there just always seem happy.

I'm actually only hours from my next trip and oddly enough on my last trip in March, we had spent a few hours discussing him with a couple imagineers and other employees.

It can be two things.