The Period Monster

Username/comment dissonance?


[Some joke about Leonard Pierce.] Ya know, I miss that guy. The AVC is suffering from a dearth of metal coverage, isn't it time we welcome him back?

People used to call crystal meth, "New Coke?"

Of course they could find one, idiot. And don't call me surly.

Pfft, it isn't even 60fps.

Those other numbers he listed represent innocent people, too.

In a just world, Saleeby. In a just world.

Do these new digs have a place to park my whip?

*despondent, I unplug the Wii Fit board I use a computer mouse*

A doctor? Who?


Narrative is no longer thought of as superfluous, and I have a hard time
believing that the community that was calling for Ebert's head when he
said video games aren't, and will never be, art, is now saying that
storytelling isn't important. With that attitude, video games will never
be considered art.

Fuck off, Balabanoff.

Immortan Joe certainly isn't keeping them around as his play-things when they grow old and fat.

Please don't start calling them 'gators, that's too cool of a nickname. Something else swamp related perhaps.

How can you trust reports with the current state of ethics in videogame journalism?

It's subsided since the height of Gamergate but Disqus still causes them to wander over here. Like Wafflicious implied, they never really put a damper on our fun, though.

You would think the infinite monkey theorem would apply to MRAs and they'd eventually make some sense, but alas…

I almost had a stroke trying to think of a punctuation pun or joke