B Reynolds

Same here. I do L.A to S.F taking all the twisty options in about 10 hours on a UJM. The “accomplishment” of making my butt hurt any more than that holds no appeal to me.

You pipe down. Stop ruining tomorrow’s story.

Guys, this is in Canadian dollars, so it really isn't that much. SMH.


I shilled for you with Sean and Patrick - ha!

Putting real effort into Lanesplitter was a pet project of mine from the beginning, but I realized quickly it would only work if we had the right person at the helm. Sean has 1000 percent been that person and he’s worked his ass off to exceed our wildest expectations. He’s single-handedly turned this from an

Thanks. Sorry, I had a fam emergency pop up and had to get home. We’re getting back after it now.

Yeah, that had to hurt, right? That was my thought...

Starbucks needs to start opening shops in the middle of the desert so this and the new Multistrada will actually get used properly on occasion.

Get out of my way! This one’s mine!

Wait! There are TWO Burt Reynolds lurking on Kinja talking to each other!?! So which one is in control of his mustache?

As a Seattlite, I can confirm this

I will never understand someone that comes to a blog site... and proceeds to complains about having to read to much.