B Reynolds

Awsome test!

For me, the amount of “news” being put out on LS seems more than sufficient, so more ride report / stories from the road would be nice to see. I like guest author posts as well, like the recent “why I ride a Harley, and why you should too” (even though I never will, it was a nice piece). Just keep the content fresh

Your probably right, they look like good mirror punching gloves.

Now playing

I don’t know, even with my best gloves on I think that would hurt, but don’t intend to find out. Now this:

Hopefully he broke his hand.

Great read, Doug you (u) are freaking hilarious.

Missed my split fix yesterday. Glad to see you survived the gawker cuts! LS and IW are the 2 places I check daily when I need a break from work, as well as OPPO. Shitty to see IW go, that really sucks.

But imagine how much cooler it would have been on motorcycles

That rear stand is worth more than my bike.....

That's a bike of the nice variety.

ROX straps are the best. That bathroom book looks like a good on for the wishlist.

No matter how ridiculous and ill informed the comments on this page, since the election the Canadian government has made me more proud to be a Canadian than ever over the last decade. The people put in place to run our country actually are starting to look like what Canada really is. And I don’t mean we are all bad

Man that is some tough riding, especially when the pressure of a race is on you. Cool vid!

That's just a great video and a good reminder for anyone on 2 wheels.

Turbos good - three wheels bad

I am all to familiar with the area you ride in and can see where a cruiser would have its benefits. I have had a few but never seem to care for that style of riding as much. I’m currently living in Northern ON so have done most of the Midwest, and my favorite spot close by is Yooperland for sure. My closest riding

Honda missed the boat big time on the ADV segment explosion over the last 5 years. The Honda Varadero was garbage. The new offerings, especially the AT is great news for Honda fans like myself. Can’t say I like the DC Auto Option. The VFR looks like competition for the big GS, which I would not want to take off road

I posted an article early in the month about Who Killed Mission and the state of Electric Bikes. Check it out here. From the article:

Turns out all the hype was just for a new interactive video on their YouTube page.