
I just saw Brian Wilson doing the Pet Sounds tour where he played the album straight through so it's fresh in my memory. Mike Jardine (Al's son) did the majority of the vocals and was amazing. Also, the bicycle horn makes me laugh every time I listen to "I Still Believe In Me". I like it a lot more than Sgt. Peppers

Maybe stop putting Alex Kurtzman in charge of creating franchises with sinister beings

I watched every episode of the show, and I'm pretty relieved I never have to watch another episode of it again. I liked Girls, but also hated it. Maybe that was the overall goal of the show.

Coach Taylor from Friday Night Lights came to mind first for me

I'm thinking it's a play off of The Last Samurai starring Tom Cruise.

"Yeah, but the soundtrack to Garden State was amazing" -Anyone who has ever tried to defend Zach Braff

channel orange is probably my most revisited album in the past five years. Blond, however, did not captivate me as quickly as orange did. With that album there were about five songs that I had to repeat immediately after they ended. Blond has much more slow and smooth transitions between songs that for a few I didn't