
The hell of it is, they don’t have to actually be friends. They have to work together and be professional, which by all accounts they did successfully. You don’t have to be best friends with the people you work with. Are the bros from Entourage besties in real life? Who cares. I feel like the media just wants a

The highlight of my 2017 was a trip to Cincinnati to see Fiona. Aggressively nudged a kid out of the way to get closer to the glass and ZERO REGRETS.

CDAN has a blind item that insinuates that Zach knew all along...

I don’t know; I could see Karl thinking that sex was messy and distasteful. Not to mention he’s in his 80s so it may not be an option. Although I’ll bet Brad has “modeled” nude for him a lot.

Maybe it’s just for flashback scenes? Hopefully naked flashbacks. Dude can get it.

What would Mean Girls 2 even be about? They wrapped up the story pretty well in the first movie. I’d rather see a buddy-cop movie starring Janice and Damian.

No shit. I cringe every time some jackass from Schaumburg calls it “the Chi” and it’s actually keeping me from watching this show. Oh wait, that and my lack of a Showtime subscription.