That is some fucking horseshit. Her whole team should have walked off the field.
That is some fucking horseshit. Her whole team should have walked off the field.
Grasshopper body kit? Sign me up!
The issue is not with qualifying, it’s with everything else. It’s with sticking with an engine, aero and tire formula for so long that it’s allowed Mercedes to win championships because they were so far ahead of everyone else that nobody has had a chance to catch up. The issue is with handing penalties out to anyone…
This is partially true. I'm vaccinated and I have an adverse impact on the unvaccinated: if they don't want to get vaccinated I tell them to fuck off.
Dear F1 and racing press: Qualifying is not broken and does not need to be fixed.
In my eyes, it’s a racing incident where both parties made correct but also poor judgement. Russell was in the right to try to pass, and Bottas was also in the right to move over into the racing line to try to defend his position, which you can def see in Bottas’ onboard. Should either of them been making that kind of…
Wow, they’re pretty quick to finger the neighbor for it, but I guess the evidence does point to him.
Hell back in the day, you could crash out, run to the pits, grab your spare car and keep racing LOL.
I am of the wait and see how it goes attitude.
I wonder if they’ll allow backup cars again so that if there was an accident during the sprint, the driver would have a backup car for the race, rather than the crew flailing to rebuild a car overnight?
That would be a very excellent change and likely double the number of F1 viewers. Because it’s so great, it is unlikely to occur. We just aren’t that lucky.
Remember Alf? He’s back, in pog form.
Every fun car I’ve ever owned would have had their doors blown off by my wife’s minivan. But I miss all those fun cars. A tiny car that weighs less than three of my more juicer farts is insanely fun to drive, even if there are less than 3 digits in the hp and/or torque departments.
Bergmeister came in first in class. Magnussen came in second through seventh. ;)
I’m looking forward to seeing how K-Mag does in IMSA. After all, as you mentioned above, his dad made quite a name for himself there.
“only 204 miles”
As a mechanical engineer, it never ceases to amaze me what we are able to engineer together. This is one of the most metal things I’ve ever seen.
I expected to see David Tracy shopping for a new project at the docks
Let me remind you, an elementary school was shot up 8 years ago by a monster, killing 20 young children and 6 adults, and fully half of my country shrugged their shoulders and said “Well, no way to stop it from happening. Maybe more guns?”