Don’t care about this comic, never read it, but I REALLY appreciate Vin Diesel’s commitment to genre movies. He lets his geek flag fly proudly and I salute him for it.
Don’t care about this comic, never read it, but I REALLY appreciate Vin Diesel’s commitment to genre movies. He lets his geek flag fly proudly and I salute him for it.
Zero interest, but I’d like it to succeed so Diesel can get money for another Riddick movie.
Yep! I’ve replaced damn near everything on my old ‘02 Accord using YouTube.
I made a similar point elsewhere. The sequel trilogy should have been about the return of the Empire as a terrorist organization trying to destabilize the New Republic, using the the dark side to spread misinformation and sow dissension and participating in guerrilla warfare / hiding among innocents, adding moral…
I agree with wondersocks response to you, but also watching last year’s crossover (3 episodes) might provide a little more context.
There will be some stuff you’ve missed. But you could find summaries up to Crisis, I assume. If it helps, Marv Wolfman was part of the plotting of the story for this crossover. It definitely branches off from how the comic event when. But I assume that’s to still give us the viewers surprises. But it definitely…
Yes. Just look up to see who’s who if you don’t know what character the actor is playing if they don’t mention it.
None of which has any real impact on your typical consumer, because their internet connection still sucks royally, and XBOX doesn’t allow you to play anything on its hard-drive without an internet connection anyway.
Honestly, I like it. I think Blade-Runner/Total Recall/Delorean retro-futurism is a lot cooler than the formless tacticool bullshit for red sweaty dads looking like thumbs with goatees that passes for trucks today.
That’s the way to do it.
Really, the only misstep was Solo, whose main problem was “a Han Solo prequel that resolves every single mystery about the character” was a fundamentally unnecessary thing to have. It made the Star Wars universe smaller, not bigger.
Nailed it!
I don’t care if they recline back to the point where they are curled up in my lap. Just don’t do disgusting shit like take off your shoes, change baby diapers in the main cabin (on the tray, no less!), or clip nails.
No no no, they went as Han and Chewie and legend has it that the Chewie costume had to be thrown away after their night of passion
I have full faith that JJ (I got a piece of the gross!) Abrams will methodically check all the boxes, while studiously ignoring large chunks of TLJ.
Controversial opinion:
Meanwhile we still find it amazing Michael Jordan played with “the flu”
Thank you for demonstrating perfectly my current theory, which is that American audiences are so emotionally invested in a universe that presents them as uncritical good guys that any story with a message that late-stage Western cultural and military dominance is in some way wrong becomes simply invisible to them, and…
I loved Henry - and he was so very cute on an Extra Slice playing the theme song on a teensy electronic organ...
I have the strange feeling this was the director’s first choice but was studio obligated to try for a bigger name like Jonah Hill.