The Peanut Master

Also as a Dodger fan and now living near Detroit, I really really hope to God Detroit wins this thing. Yankees-Cardinals-Giants is like the triangle of baseball hell.

Also as a Dodger fan and now living near Detroit, I really really hope to God Detroit wins this thing. Yankees-Cardinals-Giants is like the triangle of baseball hell.

"Ho-lee shit."

"Ho-lee shit."

Let's be real with Glenn's scratch-checking maneuver: He couldn't give two shits about finding any scratches, "scratch-checking" is the new foreplay in a post-apocalyptic world.

Let's be real with Glenn's scratch-checking maneuver: He couldn't give two shits about finding any scratches, "scratch-checking" is the new foreplay in a post-apocalyptic world.

Special effects have always been the strongest point of the series, and they somehow upped it up a huge notch last night. This is really groundbreaking stuff, and for it to be happening on a basic cable television show makes it all the more incredible.

Special effects have always been the strongest point of the series, and they somehow upped it up a huge notch last night. This is really groundbreaking stuff, and for it to be happening on a basic cable television show makes it all the more incredible.

T-Dog lives to fight another episode. Truly the only thing that matters.

T-Dog lives to fight another episode. Truly the only thing that matters.

Gotta throw Around the Horn in there too, the PTI/ATH hour is like the sports talk show equivalent of the Parks and Rec/Community hour (to use an AV Club-approved analogy).

Gotta throw Around the Horn in there too, the PTI/ATH hour is like the sports talk show equivalent of the Parks and Rec/Community hour (to use an AV Club-approved analogy).

Come on, season 1 was legitimately great AND it didn't rely on a terrific guest-star to do it (i.e. season 4 Lithgow).

Come on, season 1 was legitimately great AND it didn't rely on a terrific guest-star to do it (i.e. season 4 Lithgow).

Lie To Me is totally awesome and I have an irrational love for it because it was somehow the show that got me really invested in television shows in general. In hindsight it wasn't as amazing as I thought it was but Tim Roth was excellent and the premise was great.

Lie To Me is totally awesome and I have an irrational love for it because it was somehow the show that got me really invested in television shows in general. In hindsight it wasn't as amazing as I thought it was but Tim Roth was excellent and the premise was great.

Yeah, from a technical, direction, cinematography standpoint it was by far the most inventive, creative thing they've ever done and I can't think of anything that comes close. It worked really well too, and maybe this means they're going to try more structurally daring techniques this season, which I think could work

Yeah, from a technical, direction, cinematography standpoint it was by far the most inventive, creative thing they've ever done and I can't think of anything that comes close. It worked really well too, and maybe this means they're going to try more structurally daring techniques this season, which I think could work