Problem solved. Baseball is no longer boring.
Bark at the Park.
And, of course, the Cardinals at -0.59!
Interesting coincidence: 142.2 was the total regular-season attendance for the Royals this year.
I bet they do.
"We've got two priests in here. They'd probably vouch for me."
Oh, you mean dead people?
awesome, i love jersey shore!
Interesting. I didn't even watch the whole youtube video.
I'm not sure this will help speed up the game.
I think if he was gay he would have added "but I would sure like to try to handle dem cocks, because I am also a homosexual."
Egg McMuffin
He fooled Baseball Doucher?! That's unforgivable.
I think I'll always remember him more for his gift baskets.
well, he sure is happy with himself.
Wasteful. There are sober children in Africa.
I'm excited for this, and I really think it could turn the Vikings season around.
The takeaway from this: You think little leaguers should drink champagne.
It's actually him laughing at his own jokes. Olbermann is one of the greatest ventriloquists of our time.