Zelda Breath of the Wild and Kingdom of Alamur: Reckoning
Zelda Breath of the Wild and Kingdom of Alamur: Reckoning
Oh thank god thought I was the only one.
Agreed but I will give Fryda Wolf a chance, obviously I am not expecting a Jennifer Hale level performance just due to the fact she does not have nearly the experience Jennifer Hale has.
Good to know like I said their voice acting just hasn’t really wowed me but like I said originally hard to judge the quality based only a few minutes of video.
It is so weird seeing his voice actor in advertisements especially when he speaks because all I hear is Garrus.
So with your limited time with ME Andromeda so far would you say they have learned their lesson from DAI?
I am curious how is the voice acting for FemRyder?
Agree that is is down to the personality like in my case I am a very introverted person so if I win something I do not really show it outwardly and you might not even think I won anything at all.
Just once when I yell at clouds i wish they would yell back.
Probably just switch between Zelda and Horizon Zero Dawn, or might just take a break from them since Mass Effect Andromeda comes out in a little over a week and I do not want to be sick of open world games by the time it comes out. Might have to play one of my many games from GoG.
Speaking of musical games has anyone played The Metronomicon
Very good point about in Assassins Creed being able to climb almost anything and you are right I think what I mainly was enjoying was how agile she was compared to the characters you played in Assassins Creed.
Aloy is talking to his grave.
Being able to go back and talk to Rost and recap the story events so far is one of my favorite touches of the game. That is cool that she actually apologizes if she does not go to his grave right away.
Ubsisoft should be taking note from Guerilla games on how to do a movement system. While playing the game I can not think of a single time where Aloy did not go in a direction I did not intend for her to go.
I have been dividing my time between Zelda and Horizon Zero Dawn but luckily the Switch is portable so I can play that in places where I can not play Horizon Zero Dawn.
I love the game but really having a lot of fun with the photo mode not as robust as in the one in Mad Max but still got plenty to it.
Great article thanks for reminding me about Dragon Lord I am pretty sure I have it in my DVD collection so will watch it tonight if I got it.
Sweet thanks for the tip it is greatly appreciated.
I need to play Horizon Zero Dawn as much as I can this week because after work Friday will be picking up my Switch and switching to Zelda.