
Yeah totally agree with I loved La Reina del Sur it was the first telenovella I ever watched and it hooked me from start to finish. You are right it will be hard for USA to top the original.

I honestly loved Invisible War I was sad that they did not have the same level up system as the original but I did not mind the upgrade system. I also enjoyed the story and the gameplay. Also the game introduced me to The Kidneythieves and their singer Fee Dominguez.

You could choose to be female in Deus Ex Invisible War, however that did not change the overall story.

It was actually Malik who hacked the TV screen with the data Jensen had acquired. Because Jensen made a comment afterwards along the lines of "Remind me never to piss you off"

I loved Rogue Galaxy in fact I have been contemplating buying a used copy to play it again. Sure it had it's problems but was still and enjoyable game.

I have never finished Fire Emblem:Awakenings due to not wanting the story to end.
Also I have not played Dragon Age Inquisition since December got 60 hours into and only halfway through the story and I got burned out on it.