
I enthusiastically agree. This summer, I went on a hiking/camping adventure...more like a personally quest, really. And I truly cannot remember ever feeling so...alive. Connected. At peace. We need more of that in our lives.

That's a great tip. Get out into nature a little to gain some perspective :)

So much of this is based on who you are and what kind of traveler you want to be, but I would add to line up your cell phone plans. I like to bring an unlocked burner phone and buy a cheap SIM card when I get to a new country because, personally, I like to have a phone on me (for safety, convenience, and because I

Based on the trends for the last 3 years, this is what we should expect the phones to look like by 2020. It will harness quad video cards, a power source similar to a car battery, and 256 GB of ram for the low end model. Prices will start around 2 grand.

You mean spending billions upon billions of dollars for a single event that has only short term income for a specific venue is a bad investment? Geez, never would have thought.

Our offices are in San Francisco, and there a ton of amazing co-working spaces that many companies got their start in. I don't know what kinds of customers you're going to be working with, but most co-working offices include shares of conference rooms for meetings just like what you're describing. In addition,

Pictured: "I knew it was gonna be one of those days."
Alternatively: "I hate Mondays."

Do not just learn to say No.. Embrace and learn to savor saying NO! Learn that your first reaction needs to be NO and then assess from there because you are allowed to change your mind if it merits change.

He's not going to see anywhere near $15m. He had backers who he sold shares to