
For 20 min a game. McGee’s secretly not bad for 20 min a game. And terrible/injury prone at any amount of min over that.

So Deadspin’s take is that Davis should be able to play for whatever team he wants, but not the position he wants? Hmmm.

She’s seventeen at the beginning of the game. The events of the game take place over a number of years. By the time she’s available for S level, she’s more age appropriate. This is true of all S levels.

The call is coming from inside the Melo.

Grsyson Allen is not gonna stand across from someone and fight them in a fair fight.

Eh. Some people think that baseball’s regular season is a deadline, but other sports regular seasons are not dead zone.

Yah, but even after writing all that, you're gonna buy it.

Yeah. This is a series designed since day one to sell toys to eleven year olds. Everything about it screams that to anyone who isn’t invested in the series.

This is the reasonable response.

Going with the “Looney is winner, Portis isn’t” thing is kinda unfair. I bet if Portis’s teammates were Steph, Klay, and Durant, he’d make the playoffs.

If by “there", you on "on the bench" for KD and Jordan. KD because of injury and Jordan because Jarrett is much better at this point.

You weren’t even together, Moby.

Outer Wilds is the game of the decade.

Its an epic games store and Xbox release 

Jason, I know it’s your “job” or whatever, but thanks for putting some light on this game. I think it's incredible and between the epic games "scandal" and gamers being gamers, I'm glad it's getting some recognition.

Dope rant.

This game is truly of the best games ever made. I play games I “love” all the time; this is a game where I’m not sure here in 2019 that we deserve as a species. The ideals and worldviews it exposits are what we should be pushing toward together. Instead I woke up this morning to a picture of a dead father and daughter

I wanna hold your hand is a bonkers song for him to make popular in 2019.

The more interesting issue for me is “Would the songs be popular?”. I know this sounds heretical, but the Beatles are something that grew organically over time, in a specific time and place. Imagine playing “I wanna hold your hand” for someone in 2019 who has never heard of the Beatles. Imagine that playing on the

This is kinda of my take. It’s bad enough Nintendo keeps making the same games over and over. Make something cool. Make an Outer Wilds or something like that. Hell, make it cartoony. But make it yours.