
Grab an extra for Ben Simmons while you’re out.

First off, it shouldn’t be up to the Nets who they pick up or not. They’ve been a bad team and shouldn’t deserve good players. The players, whether they're signed with a team or not, should let the Nets know if they'll be playing there. If they feel like it. For whatever length of time they feel like 

Yeah. That thing is clearly a Satan doll.

Id let it kill my kids if it would run a game for me anytime I asked. I never get to play.

And also, it doesn’t matter if they have max space anyway. Who’s signing that contract? Irvin? Klay? Durant? No. Maybe Jimmy Butler, but probably not that either.

Everyone keeps saying that Kawhi isn’t going to leave a championship team, but all that this year has proven to him is that he can take a random playoff team and win a championship. honest: you're heavily invested in Crimson Diamond stock, right?

If you contain multitudes, please speak with your doctor or local savior. 

Not a Warriors fan, but that timeout was a super smart play by Green. If he didn’t do that, the game was over.

And it was Iggy with that last foul, not Green. Not that it matters.


Same DLC came out in the RL, turns out we all actually die and all of our stories are made pointless.

Thank you

What is this article? It’s a really weird framing device, to compare a piece of DLC that has released to games that are coming out in almost a year.

Even for Cyberpunk. It’s a day one buy for me, no questions. And still, there’s just no reason at all to send that money until the day comes.

Or on the opposite end, owning your own business you don't pay attention to.

Wich was the book version of a video game. So... loops.

Club sandwiches, maybe...

It is not, in fact, being focused group.

The problem with the logic is that people who are background watching the Office for the tenth time are not watching the Office. They’re background watching it and I doubt someone is gonna pay for a streaming service to background watch.