
Democrats need to get over being afraid of the bully pulpit. Biden ran on Green Lantern Energy with saying “I can do it!” so fucking do it, no one cares about procedure

Are people really spending 6-figures on an investment without getting an inspection done, or looking at blueprints?

I like it. And the lyrics come through more clearly, too.

Better than pulling it and pretending it didn’t happen.

Before Downton Abbey I knew Stevens from the (mostly excellent) BBC adaptation, by Andrew Davies, of Alan Hollinghurst’s (truly excellent) The Line of Beauty (back in 2006!). Where he’s very good. Technically I guess it’s a three episode miniseries, but if you haven’t seen it, that’s the screen performance that

Love this play, saw the 2009 revival, have even directed a number of Coward plays. Never knew about the existence of this movie and one look at that cast photos tells me all I need to know. Poor casting. And judging by the review, the movie misses the, for lack of a better word, nihilistic charm of Coward’s comedy.

He’s a exploitative piece of shit.

Fuck Dr. Phil

My only previous exposure to How Did This Get Played was that time they thought it was a good idea to bring a Native American man on to talk about fucking "Custer's Revenge".

The cast of Search Party is tremendous. The show overall is clever and scathing, but I have to say despite having some personal issues with millennials, the show might be somewhat too harsh on them

because its a recommendation page with an attached discussion page where its expected people will discuss the stuff they recommend? HDTGP is at best lazy and often insulting (when they don’t bother to research the game and end up crapping on a perfectly serviceable game that just happens to be aimed at a fandom they

HDTGM is basically someone reading an old cracked article called ‘5 weird SNES games to read about while taking a dump in 2013' while somehow making it less interesting

Yeah. I mean, Nixon signed Title IX into law, gave us the EPA and the Clean Air Act, and open relations with China. Nixon is practically a liberal compared to Trump.

After WWII there was also a thing called The Nuremberg Trials, where the guilty faced justice. Need some of that now.

Yeah the moral math of The Stand isn’t exactly calculus.

Quite simple stuff. “Chaotic Evil demon masqerades as Lawful Evil autocrat to create society attractive to Lawful types; Lawful Good magic lady creates a Chaotic Good society in Colorado.”


I'm gonna stake my claim on the new opening credits sequence being super terrific. No idea why people are so down on it.

I get it if it's a show that you've dedicated years to before it turns to shit. You're already invested so you have to see it through.

I don't get the concept of hate watching, so much to do, so many good shows to watch, why waste time watching something you hate? Anyway to answer your question , I am watching it because I enjoyed the book and am curious about where they are taking the series, and because I feel like they've created an interesting

For some reason that character makes me think of Franz Mesmer, the guy who accidentally invented hypnotism in the 18th century. Magic Wayne is using applied psychology but doesn't really understand what he's doing, so he calls it magic.